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Window Cleaning and Screens

Window Cleaning and Screens

A dirty window screen can cause a buildup of airborne dirt, dust, and pollen in your home. This can affect your health and lead to mold growth.

The good news is that window screens can be easily cleaned and scrubbed once a month (or more often, depending on how dirty they are). Here’s what you need to know to get started!


Window screens are a great way to let the sun and fresh air in while keeping flies and mosquitoes out, but they also trap dust and grime over time. They need to be cleaned regularly.

The accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria, allergens, dust, dander and pollen not only affects the look and feel of your home but can cause considerable respiratory issues. Vacuuming is the best and most effective way to remove this debris from your home.

Mistake #1: Don’t spray the cleaner directly onto the windows before sweeping dirt away. This can cause the cleaner to dry and leave streaks.

For a quick cleaning, mix one-part household ammonia and three-parts water. Fill a bucket with the solution, then dip a sponge or washcloth into it and wipe each screen down gently. Rinse thoroughly and leave to dry. This is a simple method to clean your screens, but it’s a good idea to do it twice a year for maximum effectiveness.


Vacuuming keeps your home clean of dirt, dust, dander, bacteria and pollen. This is essential for maintaining a comfortable home for yourself, guests and family.

It can also help to prevent break down of fibers and soil in your carpeting, flooring, rugs, stair cases and more. It is also a great exercise and can be quite therapeutic.

The best way to remove dirt from your windows is to use a window vacuum cleaner. These work in a similar way to a vacuum cleaner but have a rubber blade that scrapes the glass and “vacuums up” the dirty water all at once, rather than running it down onto your windowsill.

Before using a window vacuum, spray your windows with a mixture of soapy water and glass cleaner and then wipe them down with a microfibre cloth. Be careful not to get the glass cleaner on the window frames as it can discolor them.

Soapy Water

Whether you’re washing windows or screens, it’s best to use soapy water. Soap kills small, soft-bodied insects like mites and aphids by penetrating their protective wax coating and destroying the cell membranes in their bodies.

For cleaning, add a few drops of dish soap to a bucket of warm water. Then use a non-scratch scouring sponge to soap the window and scrub away any dirt, grime or streaks.

You can also make a vinegar window cleaner by mixing 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply the solution and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth. Rinse the glass and let it dry thoroughly before using it again.

Soapy water can also be used for killing mold, mildew and other types of bacteria on plants and garden furniture. However, it’s important to test the diluted mixture on a small section of the plant before applying it, because some soaps can be harmful to certain plants.


The window screens in your house take a lot of abuse, from sun and wind to snow and pollen. It’s a good idea to clean them out every season or two, to keep them looking and feeling fresh.

If the screen is especially dirty, you’ll need to use a more concentrated cleaning solution. You can use a 50-50 mixture of soap and water, or a strong commercial window cleaner.

Spray the screen with your cleaner and gently scrub it from top to bottom. This is an excellent way to remove built-up dirt, dust and stains that are hard to wash away with just soapy water alone.

Next, rinse the screen with your hose on low pressure. Too high of a pressure can loosen the splines of the screen, leaving it saggy and unattractive. See More Information!